Kath + Belle | What to Do When Baby Starts Walking

kath + belle what to do when baby starts walking

Most babies will probably start walking between 9 to 15 months old. Way before they start to take the first step, they’re building strength and skills like muscle control, balance, and coordination through playing, crawling and standing. Isn’t it amazing that you don’t have to actually teach babies how to walk. They start by themselves!

When Do Babies Start Walking?

There are lots of ways to encourage them to take those first steps. But one thing new parents must take notice on, talk to your doctor if your baby can’t take steps on his or her own by 15 months or can’t walk by 18 months. It’s common for toddlers to take a few weeks to master how to take a step in the walking process before moving on to the next one. Don’t be surprised if your baby cruises along the sofa, chairs and table for a while. 

Walking for Babies

Before they start walking, they need to stand. In order to walk, your child needs muscle strength, balance, and the ability to perceive their body in the surrounding. You’ll notice your baby is busy crawling and pulling up to stand, then slowly cruising between pieces of furniture. They are actually building muscle strength and skills like balance and coordination, which are all needed for walking, jumping and, later, running. 

Other Development That Comes With Walking

Kids learn fast. A lot of things are happening as they start learning to walk. Parents can also expect his or her first word, learning new emotions. They will start to learn how to cope when you’re not around and deal with new people. As they start walking, they are eager to explore, feeling curious and wanting to learn. This is the time where parents must learn now to be not too protective. But it is good to keep a watchful eye for their safety! 

Kath + Belle Tips on What To Do When Baby Starts Walking 

Here are some things we at Kath + Belle have for you can do to help your baby with walking:

  1. Carry Them Little Less
    Your baby will be less inclined to try standing and cruising if they are too used to be carried around. Let your baby walk more.
  2. Play Together
    Being together with the baby creates a very strong bond. This bond helps them to feel safe and secure. As they’re exploring the surroundings, it helps them to build confidence.
  3. Let Them Roam Free with Supervision
    Allowing your baby to have time to roam means encouraging curiosity and a desire to keep on moving. Of course, keep your eye on them to avoid accidents.
  4. Encourage Them to Move
    Staying active and moving around builds your baby’s muscle strength and posture, which helps them to get better at walking and prepares them for faster steps and running.
  5. Keep Your Home Safe
    Wrap those sharp furniture edges with baby proof products. Remove fragile objects within their reach because they’ll start to grab and pull things as well. Don’t forget to sanitise your house after having guests coming over for a visit. 
Kath + Belle - Inspired By Love