What is Postpartum Hair Loss?

what is postpartum hair loss

Know More About Postpartum Hair Loss?

If you start to notice more hair fall when your baby is two to four months old, know that you’re not alone. About 1 in 5 women lose more hair than usual after birth, and it’s more likely to happen after their first baby. Yes, pregnancy and childbirth can bring you a lot of surprises and some experiences can be unpleasant. 

Typically postnatal hair loss starts after pregnancy, within the first 2-6 months after the birth. That’s when hormones start to slow down. But remember, everyone is different. So what happened to your friend or relative might not be the same for you. You might ask, “why was my hair thick and glossy during pregnancy”? Well, your body can produce more oestrogen during pregnancy and causes less hair than normal to fall out. This explains why your hair was thicker before childbirth.

When this happens to you, it’s hard to feel confident and worried that you will be left with no hair at all. Rest assured, this type of hair loss will settle down after around 6-12 months. So stick with us here for a while and Kath + Belle has a list of tips and tricks to help you know what to do to beat postpartum hair loss.

What Causes Postpartum Hair Loss

Postpartum hair loss is usually caused by hormonal changes that occur in the body after childbirth. Human hair growth has 3 phases. First is anagen phase, followed by catagen phase and finally telogen phase. Each strand of hair on your head is at a different point of the hair growth cycle. The cycle starts at anagen phase and here, the hair grows for up to six years or longer. 

During the catagen phase, it is a short transition stage where the hair detaches from its blood supply. The hair growth stops in this phase. Finally, in the telogen phase, the hair rests for one to four months. The hair is released and the follicle rests before the beginning of another anagen phase.

Postpartum hair loss happens when a lot more hair stops growing all at once. There is a possibility that the postpartum hormonal changes and the effort of birth temporarily stops hair growth. New hair growth phase starts within 6 to 12 months after childbirth. And while you wait for a new growth phase to begin, there are a few things that you can do to reduce the rate of hair loss. 

Kath + Belle Tips to Beat Hair Loss After Childbirth

  1. Diet:
    Adding multivitamin as your supplement can help you to combat brittle hair and hair damage. Adding in more protein, iron, vitamin C & D and omega 3 fatty acid will be extremely helpful. Consult your doctor and pharmacist on which supplements suit you best.
  2. Massage Your Scalp:
    Good oils like vitamin E oil are very helpful for preventing hair loss. Use Super Vitamin E Oil & VCO to massage your scalp everyday to stimulate blood circulation in your scalp.
  3. Be Gentle on Hairstyling:
    Wash and blow-dry less often. Rough handling on your hair can damage your hair especially during its growing phase. The new hair is soft and sensitive. Excessive heat from blow-dry can further weaken it and cause more hair loss.
  4. Use Less Chemicals:
    Know what products you’ve been using. Conventional personal care products contain way too many chemicals that can bring long term health effects. Kath + Belle Hair Shampoo is formulated for babies and you can use it too. Discover Kath + Belle‘s wide range of chemical free baby products to assist you. We’re free from toxic chemicals and totally safe!
  5. RELAX:
    Adding more stress will not help you. This is completely normal and you are not going bald. Fussing over your hair and applying too many synthetic products can make the situation worse. So dear mothers, take a breather and relax!
Kath + Belle - Inspired By Love